My comp got hit by a car, then I got hit by a car 12-13-2023

We have come to the end of another transfer, and wow this was the craziest transfer of my mission. As the title alluded, I got hit by a car! On an exchange with another Elder in his area we were on our way to a baptismal interview but he realized he forgot the church key so we flipped a U and started heading back to his apartment and as we went through an intersection with a green light, this lady turned and smacked right into us. We were all right and the car was busted up so they had to take it to the shop. When me and my companion were riding bikes down the road a lady turned right into my companion and hit him on his bike but luckily he was not injured. Crazy times in Spokane! It's been snowing off and on but mostly melting which is unfortunate because I would like a white Christmas. A while ago I may have mentioned that the bikes we use got stolen. Not too long ago on an exchange with my zone leader we were up near the river and we were talking to this homeless man and...