A collection of short stories from my week.

- On an exchange with the zone leader he literally broke 2 gears from off his bike. The next day with my regular companion we swapped bikes with the "bike fixer upper" and he lent us his sons old bike. Later that day that bike tire goes flat, so we have to take it to the bike shop across town in the morning to get it aired up. On the way to the bus stop my companion broke the chain. I was so done with bikes by that point. 

- We helped a lady move some furniture and totes out of a really gross hoarder house. There was green milk with flies in it! That smell lingered longer than it should have. Yuck

- I was biking down the South Hill (huge hill in Spokane) and I saw a guy walking his dog on the opposite side of the road. Without missing a beat, I immediately crossed the road through a busy 4 way. We started talking to him and he said he knew everything about Jesus. So we asked him if he knew that Jesus had come to the Americas and then we got to a conversation where he was a bit apprehensive at first but then at the end he said his Spirit told him to continue listening and that he was actually down to read the Book of Mormon. He said meet me here same time tomorrow. After leaving that contact I biffed it on the bike, completely went head over handlebars. So we came back the next day and actually found a lady in his apartment complex parking lot who directed us to his apartment. As she was pointing out his door I fell off my bike off a 5 foot embankment into a rose bush. We went and knocked it and he said "yall came!" He said, "so what's this book about?" and we gave him a brief explanation. The next day while on the bus to go get our bikes fixed we saw him, he was on the bus reading the Book of Mormon!!!

- We met the coolest lady Lindsey and she unloaded her whole life story on us! A lavish life full of love, drug dealing, and shady businesses. She came back to Spokane to detoxify. She is 17 days sober and wants to grow her relationship with God.

- For lunch I made Spam with American cheese slices on saltine crackers! 

- We woke up to a text about a bomb threat from our mission leaders! It was a false alarm.

- After zone council we gave blessings to 4 sisters in the district, one of them is brand new and is struggling really hard right now. The elder who gave the blessing was inspired and the Spirit was strong!

- On an exchange with the Russian elder I led us down a shortcut path (middle of the wooded part of our area) he asked if we were lost right as we heard rustling in the bushes. We both jumped, saw a skunk come out of the bush, and we ran away!

- We wake up everyday to neighborly disputes and the occasional sirens and gunshots. Our upstairs neighbor is always yelling at his wife, its sad. 

- During a session of general conference with a friend he started bringing up political conspiracies. Apparently Bill Gates was testing his vaccine on Africans and gave them tuberculosis. Also the fires in Maui was started by the upper class celebrities so they can develop the land into a mega smart city. I wish he was paying attention to the apostles instead haha! 

- While waiting for another bus a man wearing a rabbit suit on a motorcycle popped a wheelie. 

- Some dude told us deep 9/11 conspiracies, then lowkey threatened to kill us on the bus, and then we were mega late home. #10:02 pm

- We accidentally hopped on the wrong bus and I received a spiritual prompting to get off, thank goodness because that bus would've taken us to the furthest part of Spokane. In 2 other instances the Spirit reminded me to check the time of the routes and we barely made our ride twice. Always listen to the Spirit!

- We got a ride with one of our recent converts Alfonso. He was bumping Mask Off by Future in his truck. 

- We literally missed our bus downtown by 15 seconds and while we were sitting there waiting for the next we saw some brother get arrested and then his girl ran after the cops yelling all manner of obscenities. 

- During dinner *kid aggressively rips soft shell taco into pieces* then proceeds to yell, "its not working"

This week was incredible! Full of miracles and General Conference was amazing. The Prophet is of God!


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