"The building is on fire, we not going to be in this house, not today, we gota bounce" 11-20-2023

 The night was dark and cold, we chained our bikes to the fence since learning our lesson from last week. We chatted with a fellow on the street and then went and knocked the door of a part member household. We talked briefly about the score of the football game that day. The Seahawks lost, that's a victory in my book. The neighbor Adam directly across the street started shrieking like a banshee and thrashing violently on the ground, we rushed over to see what was wrong. We quickly noticed the billowing smoke and it wasn't coming from the chimney  I whipped out my phone and called 911 while trying to calm Adam who was having a panic attack. Per request from the dispatcher I tried to gather what had happened, from Adam I heard "I had a tray of car chemicals....it spilled... fire everywhere" within a few more minutes flames were visible through the roof of the garage.  Neighbors were piling out of their houses as a whole fleet of firetrucks rolled up. The fire chief had the stereotypical looking fire chief mustache  we quickly dipped off to the side to remove our bikes from obstructing the path to the fire hydrant and we popped inside the home of the part member family and waited for the smoke to calm a bit before we headed out. That same evening I administered priesthood blessings to two of the sisters in my district, we barely made it back in time before numbers were due. Whewww that was quite a day (all that literally happened yesterday)

Other random highlights from the week! ️
- On an exchange with my zone leader we saw a lot of parked cars and people so we pulled over and started to street contact everyone, they were all in quite a bit of a rush so we asked "what's up?" and funny enough they were all headed to the Lauren Daigle concert. 

- We received 3 new Dadas (Swahili sister missionaries) on Friday, they just came from the African MTC!  

- Our 2 most progressing friends Jeremy and his son Ethan dropped us so randomly and abruptly, that one hurt. 

- It snowed...and then briefly melted! And my companion (from the AZ desert ) was so shocked to see snow for the first time. He has no clue what's coming soon....

- Here is a scripture I shared with the struggling Sisters that I will now share with you.

D&C 24:8 ♡
be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days!

× bonus points if you can name where the quote that is in the title of the email came from ×


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