New Comp & Miracles 4-22-2024

 On Thursday I drove to the transfer site to drop off Elder Hatch. While there I saw Elder Rouland which absolutely made my day. I brought my Polaroid camera only intending to use it if I saw him there. I bought the camera halfway through the mission and was able to get a flick with all of my previous comps except for him. I've been trying to find him for months! I then met Elder Morgan my new companion, he's been out for 3ish months. I'm his first companion out of training haha. He is an absolute clown. He loves cars, shoes, and food and his vocabulary primarily consists of "monkey, dome smoked, etc" It will be a good transfer, because there will be learning and growth from the two of us. Oh and he's from Provo Utah so straight from the factory hahaha.

Miracles! Our friend Asia was riding the bus to work and some guy ran a red light and smacked the bus! She was uninjured, just sore so she went to work. We had her baptismal interview on Saturday night and she stood up because her legs weren't wanting to bend. She had work on Sunday yesterday so we coordinated with 4 different members to help her attend the earlier church service before she had to leave for work. The next day everything was set and we even got to church earlier than usual. The other Elders texted asking if we were there and we replied and found them in a classroom. They had Asia in a wheelchair and she was crying she was in so much pain. I administered a blessing and the sweetest older lady from another congregation took her to the hospital and called her out of work. Its hard to explain over an email but the timing of everything was inspired, a miracle for sure! She felt God inspired her to go to the hospital on Saturday but she pushed that prompting off and then she felt God provided a way for her to go through the church members. Her faith increased throughout the whole situation! We texted her yesterday evening and she is still set to get baptized tomorrow evening. Oh yeah, she's totally getting baptized! Its going to be such a spiritual service because she's been fellowshipped so well by the ward. They have given her a bed, furniture, and opportunities to babysit her kiddo! 

Right now we have a solid teaching pool, the work keeps us quite busy, the sun is shining, the Lord continues to bless! What else could one need? Life is happy and full of joy :)) Also I learned today that my brother and his wife are expecting a girl! They learned the gender today, so cool!


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