This week my emotions were a rollercoaster 2-12-2024

 This week was pretty dang crazy. Last week on our family home evening zoom call we received the news that Elder Andersen from the Quorum of the 12 apostles is coming to our mission on March 23rd for a mission-wide zone conference. We have not had a mission-wide conference in years. It's going to be really sweet, we as a mission are spiritually preparing ourselves for his coming. In other news we spent a lot of time in our favorite trailer park, Shorty McCombs park and unfortunately someone got shot and murdered in that park a few days ago. On that very street we have four progressing friends eek. Those friends are really cool and we have been working with them for a little over two weeks. We have our friend Lotus who is 10 years old and it seems like every time we go to teach her she has a different friend hanging out at her house. This week her friend McKenna was there and she was asking some very deep questions such as, "what happens if you're a good person and you go to hell and someone is a bad person and they go to heaven?" And also she asked if she could see her grandpa even though he was gone. Unfortunately they could not come to church even though we knocked on their door that morning to confirm. Across the zone church attendance was low and we tried everything in our power to get our friends there. We have a friend named Terry who has been struggling because he doesn't have a working phone and his roommate has been in the hospital. A few days ago we swung by and his roommate is now back and his phone is not working but he has decided he doesn't think we're as important which is sad because God has given him what he needs. Right now we are working on finding progressing friends and it's a stress try to find someone who can give baptized this month.

This week we also helped the Spanish Sisters move apartments. It's really cool because their old apartment was within the boundary of my last teaching area in Spokane so I got to go back to the South Hill and drive familiar roads. During weekly planning we watched the installation of new light poles at our complex, we have a brand new apartment and it's so new it can't even be found on Google Maps yet. So we have been watching a lot of the construction process around us. There was a huge misunderstanding about a standard in terms of fellowship, and to make a long story short I took a bullet for the entire mission. My mission president called me last night and raked me over the coals, but as the *scriptures teach, I also received my increase of love! :))

* DC 121
- 41 No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; 
- 42 By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile— 
- 43 Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy

Love ya'll!


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