Howdy Howdy 1-23-2023

 Butter me up it's been a long week. I got myself some fresh new threads down at the local Goodwill and some sweet kicks from an older lady in the ward. If there's one thing I've learned recently is if you want something...just ask for it. Using this newfound tactic I am now the owner of 3 frisbees, a steerin wheel cover, one bamboo pole and a collection of books. Another thing I learned this week was that my life before the mission was really a preparatory experience, allow me to explain by talking about the jobs I had prior to the field and their correlation to what I do now.

My first job ever was at a country club by the name of Torreon and I worked the family fun center, so I had the opportunity to work directly with the kids and youth. If you know me you know I prefer the company of kids because (adults are boring) so whenever we visit members I can usually be found on the floor playing with toys and what-not. Grateful for my fun loving playful side, that's for sure.

My second official job was me working at Safeway, I was officially a courtesy clerk (bagging groceries, gathering carts, etc) but under the supervision of my manager I was running from department to department doing odd jobs as seemed fit, I spent a lot of time over in the produce section. Once sometimes twice a week we volunteer at the local food bank and let's just say I'm well trained on how to efficiently work there. 

My favorite job of all time was the landscaping gig I had with my buddies last year. Our crew consisted of my best friends Ayden, Cooper, Easton, Cody, Jeremy, JP, Hunter (Slenderman) and every day was a party but I learned to work hard and how to care and manage for properties and tons more. In the mission field we've done a ton of service in people's yard and I am so grateful I have some experience under my belt. We've raked so many leaves recently because according to the locals "the weather completely skipped fall, all the leaves fell after the snow" its been interesting here weather wise, sunny day then snow then sunny rain day then more snow.

One of the blessings I received when I was set apart was worded like this..."You will be blessed with the gift of tongues in line with your personality." I have interpreted that to be the way I have success here by talking country with the people around here whether that be fishing, hunting, dirtbiking and just connecting with people on such a real level. I thoroughly enjoy the random interactions I have daily. (Since we don't have internet and can't update ourselves on the nfl playoffs we tend to tract into people who have the games on which we can see from their windows to get the scores) 

In hindsight the Lord really prepared me for this mission in particular, I have noticed his hand in my life so much more so now than I did before. Proverbs 3: 5-6 ♡

disclaimer: fake gun


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