Still alive and doing well 7-8-2024

A lot has happened since my last email, we just finished the transfer here in Orofino. Tomorrow I start my second to last one. We were able to experience many things particularly miracles in the work. After our friend Roy got baptized we met someone named Peyton who had just gotten back from college for the summer. She has been attending church off and on for the last few years of her life with a less active family in the ward. She expressed interest in being baptized so we arranged for the YSA sister missionaries in the zone to teach her and she got baptized 5 days after her request and we were there for it. We were finding and teaching a lot of people and met Jim who actually worked with our friend Roy. Jim has been a pleasure to work with because he is a very simple man and he loved everything we shared. He got baptized last week on July 6th! Right now we are currently working with a good handful of people who have a lot of potential for this month. When one puts their head down and works the Lord provides! Also this transfer we received new mission leaders and they are different from the ones we just had in a good way. They are super funny and have no kids at home so it's like a parents vs grandparents situation where you receive lots of love from both but the grandparents obviously want to spoil you more. I also had my 21st birthday a few weeks ago and that was pretty fun although it was a pretty boring day. Orofino is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been able to spend some time and I'm grateful that I'm staying another transfer. Every day we are able to talk with individuals who are hunting or fishing or camping and they share with us those beautiful experiences they have in God's creation. We are definitely going to come back here Mom and Dad so throw it on the calendar. I have met so many incredible ward members and they help us out tremendously. The 4th of July was fun!! A lotttt of people shooting fireworks everywhere! Everyone was drunk or on the boat so the day was slow with talking to everyone. We watched the fireworks show from our front yard hehe. I would like to give a shout out to my brother Branson for he starts his missionary service today. If he is reading this or if you yourself are thinking about serving a mission I recommend it 100% and know that it will help you strengthen your testimony of Jesus Christ and His restored church. Being in the service of God's children 24/7 is an experience like none other and I wish that I could have gave more through certain parts of my mission and I have some regret but at the end of every day I rest in the assurance of the Lord who has called me. As I head on the trajectory slope towards going home I feel excited but also a little frightened. All things work together for them that love God!


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