The house was on fire pt2 but way less severe than last time 4-01-2024

 This week was insane!! My companion and I have been clowning around town having a blast. We have been talking to everyone in our favorite trailer park and everyone is still too busy to talk. We met some more with our friend Nathan who is preparing to be baptized on the 7th! He is so funny, he really enjoyed the story of Laban getting his head chopped off.

Update on our friend Asia.... we had a lesson scheduled and we arrived with fellowship. No one answered the door, so we left and came back 15 minutes later to that same area for other contacts. We heard a fire alarm going off and it was coming from her apartment! We ran to the door and she was fanning smoke out the entry way. She saw us and closed the door and opened it a few minutes later. From the doorway she started to get emotional and expressed a lot of concerns she has with our Church, doctrine, etc. The brunt of it were some scriptures she found in the Book of Mormon from an online source that taken out of context could come off as racist. She is of mixed descent. Her father is African American and her mother is white. Growing up she had experienced a lot of prejudice. She let us inside and continued to break down and it was uncomfortable on our part because her concerns were valid. We didn't know how she felt, but we knew that Christ knew how she felt, completely and perfectly. Through our imperfect explanations and words the Spirit of the Lord softened her heart and she was able to see past the secondary questions that are so commonly placed against the Church. Near the end of an hour of her struggling to understand, we were able to identify her biggest need, her biggest concern is the need to belong and feel loved and appreciated because her whole life she's been abandoned and shamed. She wants the world for her 4 year old daughter. She recognized that she has felt pure love from our ward members. One of our ward families actually dropped off a whole tote of clothes and toys last week! Asia recommited to read from the Book of Mormon and come to chuch! The next day we received a phone call from Asia and she said she read the first 4 chapters of the Book of Mormon. She shared with us how her life experience was similar to Lehi and she loved it! She also watched the Church video titled "Jesus is Real: Calyann's Experience with the Book of Mormon" and she connected so much! That night her pizza caught fire in the oven, and her soul was spiritually on fire (in a bad way) but both fires were taken care of, if that even made sense lol. She came and watched a baptismal service on Saturday and is doing well! I had to distract her noisy toddler with a gospel kids coloring page on my phone. The Lord provides miracles! 

Happy Easter! Jesus Christ lives, He truly rose on that third day and His promise is sure. We will all live again! 

1 Corinthians chapter 15

v22. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

v55. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

- clearance Easter candy
- entire mission + Elder Andersen 
- tech leads
- zone leaders


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