Referall referall!! 2-19-2024

 I went on an exchange with my new-ish zone leader Elder Roberts on Tuesday. We had a good ole time goofing off with each other, we shared funny memories about our dearest friend Benjamin Preece who had actually trained both of us. We were talking with a construction guy who was ticked off because he contracted a job to clean a whole street of trashed trailers that squatters occupied for years. That street was sooo sketchy, we almost made a new friend but his phone is in prison compound. Wednesday aka Valentines Day aka Arizona's birthday came and we had zone conference and it was definitely top 3 best zone conferences I've ever attended. Elder Hal C. Hunsaker (area 70, church leader in the local area) popped in for a surprise visit and gave a really really spiritual devotional. Then afterwards we received much needed trainings. The mission is fairly young and there's a lack of skill across the board. We were taught how to teach the fundamentals of the Restoration, always good to have a refresher. The next day we received the craziest referral. During lunch we were playing "smurf" with the other elders we live with. Their phone rang and they said they would get to it later haha, after lunch as we were driving off the other elders called us and said they had 2 baptisms for us. A member from their ward called them with a referral. That member had actually moved into our ward recently so that's why we received the referral! The couple that moved into our ward are Brother and Sister Carmel, they are Marshallese but prefer the English ward. They had a family member and her friend move to Spokane from the Marshall Islands last week! Their names are Mithen and Dorthy, they are about 60 and they have been together for a while. We taught them about the church and they both believe its true. They have had experiences with the faith for a while now and have never been baptized. We invited them to be baptized and they presented one concern. They are not married and they recognize the need to be before baptism. So this week we have been planning a wedding and helping with the whole legal process, its been crazy. Every time we visit them we get fed a ton of food. We keep making the joke that this must be what a foreign mission is! They came to church and loved it. I also hosted an exchange with an Elder Dahl, he has been struggling with his companion. We counseled about that for a part of the day. We were able to give one of our recent converts of blessing of comfort because he was headed to Arkansas to visit his sick mother and he needed help. I was also with Elder Dahl when we were able to set the baptismal date with the Marshallese couple. It was so funny because he was so full after that day because of all the food we ate. The next day we went back to that couple's house to fill out some paperwork and teach them more and the rest of the week was pretty regular. We received a referral from Salt Lake on Sunday during church and we visited them and she was crazy! Her name was Noel and she is a recovering drug addict who has borderline personality disorder and she was off the rocker crazy! 

Here is a spiritual thought....

"The essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ entails a fundamental and permanent change in our very nature made possible through the Savior’s Atonement. True conversion brings a change in one’s beliefs, heart, and life to accept and conform to the will of God (see Acts 3:19; 3 Nephi 9:20) and includes a conscious commitment to become a disciple of Christ." - Elder Bednar


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