"Elder, come to birthday party Elder William" 2-26-2024

 Last email I talked about the referrals we received. Well this week we had to drop all three of them from our teaching pool. The Marshallese couple told my companion while we were on exchanges that they have been praying and they felt compelled to tell us their truth which apparently was being withheld from us. While back in the Marshall Islands they made a deal with their pastor that while in America for medical treatment that they could not join any other church. I was quite bummed when I heard this. Our other referral, Noel the drug addict who clicked one of our Facebook ads, fell off the radar when we heard from her son that an ambulance took her away to an institution of sorts. All three of these friends were on date for baptism. Also we have dropped more than 60% of our friends. This week will be a week of rebuilding! 

A game I've played most of my mission (whenever you see a Subaru Outback you pretend to shoot it before the other passengers do) has picked up immensely in this zone. All the elders are shooting Outbacks and creating random rules. I'm having a blast.

Something called Meta AI (Facebook AI bot) was heavily shut down by our mission president. The whole mission was chastised like 4 times this week in different meetings about it. That's the current running joke in our house. 

I went on another exchange and spent the day in Cheney and that was fun. We found 5 new friends!

Before we dropped the Marshallese couple we were invited to a birthday party of one of the family members. And for those that don't know the Marshallese they know how to party! We arrived and they had us say the prayer and then they escorted us through the food line and loaded our plates full of food. They started playing music on TV really loud in a foreign language and had us dance in the living room and then they showered us with random gifts and shoved cake in our mouths. We were the star of their show and it was chaos. I now have a baseball cap that says Yokwe. 

For service I helped the Cheney missionaries dig a hole for some guy who built a geodesic dome house.

Miracle moment! Late Sunday afternoon I had to use the restroom so we popped by a gas station in our area and as we were about to leave someone pulled up alongside us in their truck and we thought they were going to yell at us. We were parked very poorly haha. He actually instead wanted to refer one of his tenants to us. This guy was a member of the church in Spokane in the Swahili branch and he was visiting his apartment complex that he owns here in Airway. Someone who moved in 4 days ago is a recent convert to the church and he is dating someone who would like to learn more. We were able to go over and get their information and refer to the other missionaries and Airway. A really cool moment where we were at the right place at the right time!

Here is a quote from a talk I read this week by Elder Eyring... "If you have felt the influence of the Holy Ghost today, you may take it as evidence that the Atonement is working in your life. For that reason and many others, you would do well to put yourself in places and in tasks that invite the promptings of the Holy Ghost."


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