Cold with a cold 1-15-2024

 Our friend Willow is getting baptized on Saturday! We've seen her grow so much as she's been consistently meeting with us and coming to church. She's excited :)) Also this week I got sick so I stayed home for 2.5 days and it was miserable. I felt so ineffective but I was able to make dozens of phone calls and nurture our friends. I am feeling slightly better today but heck I got slammed by the flu or something. We had our stake conference this week and it was a remarkable experience. Wonderful talks were given and I received personal revelation. A lot of drama has been going down in the Spokane zone as well. Pride is always the downfall of great and mighty nations, haha in all seriousness everything is going just splendid. Every missionary has their quirks that we work through but we have seen so many miracles in Spokane. We brought our friend Brad to a Swahili baptism and it was so awesome. 4 sisters from Africa got baptized and I had the opportunity to be in attendance at their interview a few weeks beforehand. The service was long but Brad enjoyed it, he gave us really really spicy chili afterwards. It's been consistently -2⁰ here and I think that's a factor in being sick. The other day my toothbrush froze to the bathroom window.

Jeff got baptized!!! Jeff is the funniest guy ever, I was teaching him my first 6 months in the mission back in Post Falls, Idaho. After I left missionaries stopped working with him. Last transfer I saw that sister missionaries were sweeping into that area and I knew both of them so I texted Jeff on Facebook and committed him to go to church that Sunday! He was happy to go and then then started taking the lessons again and he got baptized on the 13th of January! 

- Jeff and I back in Post Falls! May 1st 2023
- Jeff at his baptism! January 13th 2024


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