All is well here in Zio.... I mean Airway Heights 3-25-2024

 Howdy folks, it's been a minute so I thought I'd update you on the happenings of my life! Over the course of the last few weeks we sent off another missionary who headed home. He had weird flight logistics so he left 10 days into the transfer. The weather has been getting warmer and my teaching area has been producing lots of random people for us to talk to! There's this one trailer park that we call the "npc spawner" because so many people we've never met emerge from a collection of 5-6 camp trailers on one corner lot. We are teaching a 19 year old kid Nathan who lives there! He was referred to us by our recent convert Clint's friend son who is Nathans uncle. Real quick story about Clint. He was baptized a few months ago... he has never read from the Book of Mormon, still smokes pot and cigarettes, is a one legged diabetic man who lives in an absolute dump of a trailer and completely relies on other people to live. We love Clint but its a struggle to get him to church because he always bails on his rides last minute so he's losing the trust of the ward, oh and he currently has a bed bug infestation. Back to Nathan, he has been listening to the Book of Mormon on his phone and is currently preparing to be baptized on April 7th! 

We had the coolest miracle actually!! We were tracting 1 of 3 of our apartment complexes and some redneck guy answered the door and he was ticked! 5 minutes later management rolled up on us in a golf cart and kicked us out, I wanted to fight it but didn't want to risk it because I represent the church so we left. We were trying to turn left but the road was busy busy so we sat there for about 5 minutes. I noticed a lady walking down the road so I rolled my window down and gave her a holler! "Hey, would you be down to come to church with us?" "Sure, I just moved here and am looking for a church!" We then grab all her information and schedule a time to come back for the next day. Turns out she lives in the complex we just got kicked out of. My companion then said, "if we can't go to the Bentley Apartments, the Bentley Apartments will come to us" truer words have never been spoken. We came back for the return appointment with our relief society president who was so perfect for her! We taught her again 2 days later, we presented to her the Gospel of Jesus Christ message and invited her to read 2nd Nephi 31 in the Book of Mormon and she did! We had a special stake conference yesterday with a visiting general officer of the Church. The chapter she read in the Book of Mormon was quoted a few times in the meeting and Asia was thrilled! Afterwards she was able to meet with President and Sister LeBaron my mission leaders who were in attendance! They ministered to her and testified strongly that she is on the right path. Every time they shared something about baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost with her she said "they taught me that last night!" President was grinning at me the whole time haha. She is also preparing to be baptized on April 7th.

The absolute all time best part of my week was Saturday when we had a mission wide devotional with Elder Andersen from the Quorum of the 12 Apostles! It was spiritually uplifting. I saw tons of missionaries that I haven't seen in a long time, it was awesome!

This week I invite you to spiritually prepare yourself for Easter! Love ya'll!


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