Out this brick 9-20-2023

 Welp I'm out this place. I'm getting transferred to Spokane.

Every Monday evening we have a mission wide FHE zoom call with testimonials from departing missionaries and a "pre-game" type speech from our mission president. He counseled us to prepare ourselves for the upcoming 30 missionaries that are coming in. "We all are all gonna train" he said. More in the sense that it is gonna require everyone of us to maintain the culture of obedience, diligence, and faith filled discipleship that is always growing here in the Spokane Washington Mission. 

Tuesday was a great day. I was able to run it back in the part of town that used to be the Paradise Ridge ward and I talked to a lot of old friends, ahhh felt like home. We had a few lessons and sat down with someone we found a week prior at the park and got bashed, left him with a testimony. We cleaned up a yard for an older lady. Her and I talked about our shared passion of true crime. We came home and there were bikes in the apartment! The senior missionaries in the institute are letting us use them. Never thought I'd be this excited about bicycles haha. 

Wednesday morning we had a mission wide zoom meeting, the senior missionaries taught us about hygiene #usedeodorant. First day with the bikes and I've never felt more alive, I've never felt more like a missionary! Cruising around town on the bike talking to everyone is a power move. We had a lesson with Christine (Navajo lady we are teaching) she went on a tangent and starting talking about her concerns with baptism. I felt prompted to share Mosiah 18: 8-10 and she liked it, we also pulled up the Navajo translation of that scripture and then it really clicked with her! Super cool spiritual experience yeah!!

Thursday was chill, we did weekly planning and that was about it.

FRI(best)DAY(ever) We had district council and I prepared a training on how to effectively use technology, members, and our own efforts to find people to teach. Afterwards we went and got Panda Express. Someone ahead of us in line slipped the cashier his card to pay for all our food, I was first in line and before I knew that I had already snuck my own card in there. Oh well, at least the other elders got free food. We had an exchange and I went with Elder Cooper into the YSA. He is so funny, we make a great comedic duo on the streets. We talked to a catholic missionary and challenged a few frat bros to a game of basketball. The deal was if we won, they come to church. We smoked 'em  I dropped a few 3 pointers and Elder Cooper went nuts with the layups. Later at the institute building the elders quorum was gearing up to play flag football. Scottie Cool was there, he was talking about his glory days back in 2013. He was so goofy, stretching in the parking lot wearing an arm sleeve . Apparently he fumbled twice and threw a pick in the game. We were gonna have a lesson with a friend Sandesh but we passed it off and went to dinner at the Lassens (funnest and trendiest family in town) we ate fish tacos, smores and socialized in the backyard. Yay! 

At about 7am on Saturday morning one of the YSA members pulled up to the apartment to fade some other elders up, they got a fresh cut before breakfast  We did yard work for an old old lady and her funny old man son Steve-O. He was cursing out the Christmas decorations in the garage. We went to an Italian restaurant for dinner and I got mid margherita pizza, but college ball was on tv so that was cool. I even watched part of the BYU -vs- Arkansas game that my parents were in attendance at! We met with Heather a friend who wants to get baptized and we read through scriptures focused on the Atonement of Christ (attached below) she's so cool. We met with Chris immediately after and he vented for a good 15 minutes about his mom and Christ Church neighbors hahaha. We then watched a really cool video that I will also attach below. The other elders told us a funny story when we got home. Earlier in the day they were very persistent with a lady on the street and later during lunch she came and knocked the apartment door with her boyfriend who was yelling and they called the cops.

Rode bikes to church! Cool brisk morning ride to wake up, ahhh. With the new larger wards there are way more kids to make funny faces at. #bestpartofchurchbesidesthesacrament. Our friend Heather came and loved it! We saw Norbert, Kat, and Herbert at the park (homeless family whom I've befriended) they said they miss seeing us around the gas station. For dinner we went to a barb-q at a members home and had a blast with some phenomenal people. That night we had a lesson with Quinn our most solid friend and taught him about the Aaronic priesthood, he's so cool!

Monday was not preparation day! (Its on Wednesday this week because of transfers) 

Tuesday was nuts. While we were out biking we rode past 2 ladies cleaning this place, it turned out to be a hoarder house  we helped them clean for a bit. We swung by the downtown square and what happened next was wild. There was a guy named Neal, he pretended to be nice and like our faith. He had the wiles of the devil and the cunning of man. When I bore testimony he vehemently denied everything I shared and tore into my beliefs, I got a little hot and bothered and told him straight up that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ with His authority and fulness of Gospel and challenged him to repent. That was my last experience with Christ Church in this town, haha see ya later! We got dropped off in the farm country to walk to dinner, the family was cool. The dad performs autopsies for a living and this was a conversation he had with his daughter...

Daughter: How many bodies have you cut open?

Dad: Hundreds

Daughter: You could be a serial killer

Dad: *with a smirk* I know enough to be dangerous 

We visited Chris and he was sad I am leaving, he is a good one. Pray for him!

- The Atonement Scriptures 

1 Nephi 3:7
Ether 12:27
Helaman 5:12
Alma 7: 11-13
Mosiah 2:41


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