Hey Elder (letter from mom) 7-31-2023

 Howdy Elder Williams, I hope you are doing well. We have missed talking to you recently, but I know you are doing good things out there. I showed you our week in pictures a little bit. Branson got his wisdom teeth out and luckily everything went well for him. He had a pretty easy recovery as far as pain but he is still not able to eat all the good food he wants to or work out yet. But he is still playing pickle ball and watching all the movies. 

Camden took a couple swim lessons from Gus sister and is doing pretty well. He jumped from the top of their grotto and has been swimming decently. I knew he would get it. Makes me happy.
So me and Dad were working on the house on Friday and he started to not feel good and he came down with a fever that afternoon. So he went to bed and rested for the next couple days. His fevers were miserable and he wasn't able to sleep well. which for Dad is rare. He would toss and turn and he was miserable. So finally Sunday (yesterday) after church I took him into urgent care, where we waited for like 3 hours only to get a negative strep test which we thought it was. When the Dr. pushed on dads stomach it hurt and so then that Dr is like well I can't rule out appendicitis cause i can't test for that here. He recommended we go to the ER for testing.  Even though dad didn't go in for stomach pain originally. Anyway then Dad was concerned that it really might be his appendix even though i was pretty certain it was not. So we went in and they gave him an IV and his blood and urine test came back as nothing so they released  us. It was  a long day of waiting yesterday. So basically he has some sort of infection that is making him miserable and is causing stomach pain but we have to wait it out and hope for some relief. So dad is in bed trying to rest again. Really praying he feels better soon cause neither of us is sleeping well and it sucks!
Other than that we are pretty lame. Love you and hopefully we get to talk to you today!


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