College Sports 9-11-2023

 At the beginning of the week we taught our friend William and his fiancé Nancy the Restoration in a coffee shop with Scott. I found him on Facebook and it was a wonderful lesson and they enjoyed it. A few days later he texted and said he did some "research" and doesn’t trust that faith alone can lead us to spiritual experiences. He needs tangible proof. He definitely got into some anti on the internet  pray for him!

I spent the day in Pullman, that place was wild. We spent a few hours on campus with a booth for a student club fair. I shared dozens of scriptures as I sped walk with students on the way to class. I hear someone say "hi elders!" and when I looked up I saw the entire BYU womens volleyball team  we street contacted so much and found a few friends. We attended institute dinner with some friends the zone leaders are actively teaching. We had Dorito taco salad and learned about parables. There were a dozen missionaries there  and a Sister Skinner was there (she was in Moscow but got transferred and was back for an exchange) that was cool because her and I are friends but she goes home in 10 days  I was asking college bros what they were doing on Sunday morning, most of them said "recovering from the Washington game." (They whooped Wisconsin) Those kids sure know how to party! 

On a different day back in Moscow we got a text from the zone leaders that Elder Methvin (super bold and blunt missionary from Kansas) wanted to come out with us for which would turn out to be one of the weirdest days ever. We had a lesson with our friend Alex (who was found on Facebook) and it was wacky. His address had him living in a huge unfinished apartment building right on friendship square downtown. We had to get let in by Sabrina, a friend who also lived there. We knock his door and he wasn't home  but we actually found him in his neighbors room a few doors down. We got him back to his room and he had the most (sus)picious movie playing on his tv  we turned it off and started sharing our message of the importance of baptism and making that covenant with God through his authorized priesthood. We boldly testified and invited him to church and he declined with the excuse of he had to do laundry on Sunday. Then his drunk friend busted in the room and threatened us, we left and he followed us whilst yelling obscenities haha, it was so goofy.

On Sunday the Stake had a special meeting that none of the members knew what it was about....except we did, they eliminated an entire ward and merged it with 2 others. We'll see what happens on our end soon.

Standing outside our apartment reporting numbers for the week and all we hear is...
 "ohmygoshhh he's so hot!" We peeked in the window and we saw 2 college girls watching a movie about a Korean guy. Looked like your typical hallmark plot. 

Hope yall had a great week! Here is a scripture that i really enjoyed this week!!

Alma 29:10
 And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me!

He's always reaching out, reach back.


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