Cherry Picking 7-3-2023

 I didn't send out an email last week so get ready for some highlights from the last 2 weeks!

We had a weird transfer last week because instead of happening on Tuesdays they are now Thursday. We had our preparation day on Wednesday instead of Monday and that was tough (barely skimmed by with clean clothes ) also this week as I'm sure you've heard from every other missionary on the planet....Preach My Gospel 2nd Edition came out. I already knew it was coming, our mission has been piloting the new chapter 8 for a while now. Elder Stevenson of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles called our mission president and talked to a few missionaries about it weeks ago. In terms of transfer news my companion Elder Peoples left to go to Spokane East. Also everyone else in the district except for one sister and I left. And 2 of the wards here in Moscow are now closed areas. I will only be covering one ward instead of 2, and our area book apps are all goofed. I have the other Elders information and they have mine. And my new companion is pretty introverted. Please send help! In all seriousness we're working with what we got and we're all good, my new companion is pretty sweet (Elder Rouland) although we do have different personalities....

Last week we were able to drive the Palouse hills and see all the crops turn color, it was beautiful. Elder Peoples got me Dutch Bros too ️we killed a snake for Brenda a service lady from South Africa. We convinced a lady to consider naming her expectant baby Dallin and then we had 2 friends of ours come to a baptismal service the sister had. Did service for a lady from another church and we cleared up a lot of misconceptions and false doctrines her pastor told her about us. On an exchange with Elder Barnes we talked to an old army head. Elder Barnes also got a phone call to second train Elder Tenney (little brother of my FSY counselor from last year) We received transfer news and everyone except I was leaving. Skip a few days then Elder Peoples left and flash forward to the last few days.

I picked up Elder Rouland and we headed to our apartment, they were having it become a 4 man so we did a little mattress run from the other apartment across town. I was driving and we had 2 elders sandwiched in the back riding on top of the mattresses in the Nissan Rogue. We're also sharing the car so we let the other Elders use it, we walked around town and talked to a lot of interesting individuals. Our member dinner also might have given us some homemade alcoholic drink, not sure :O but that was awkward. The next day we picked cherries for a "5th generation atheist" she said "don't talk to me about God" we said "bet" and then we picked cherries for 2 hours. We also picked cherries the next day, I kinda don't like cherries anymore. We were visiting an old lady friend of ours and she answered the door with only a shirt on. I said "can I pray for you real quick?" she said "don't make it quick" so we offered a long prayer while she awkwardly kept mumbling under her breath. On Saturday we had district council, we met all the new missionaries and it was fun. There's a brand new sister in the mission who's in our district. Afterwards us Elders went and helped someone move during our lunch hour, on our way home we were 5 feet from an accident. We watched the whole thing happen, kinda crazy. That same day one of our recent converts (Scott) also got into an accident (different one) and he's all banged up. He gave an incredible testimony on Sunday. On of our friends in the apartment near us was getting abused by her boyfriend, we came outside and the cops were there and it was a whole ordeal. We talked theology with a Catholic guy and his sarcastic sidekick buddy. He looked like Charlie Cox from Daredevil. 

All in all, it's been a weird week.

Also thank ya'll for the birthday wishes!!


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