We thriving 6-12-2023

 This week was tough, people were twice as rude as they usually are yay! My culinary skills are increasing more and more each day, I made some pork chops the other day that were pretty good. I've also perfected the beef and potato skillet. Thank you mom for teaching me how to shop only when stuff is on sale, learning adult skills is fun! We visited an inactive family and they were pretty cool, they had walls and walls of movies and video games. Like it was crazy, and they had all kinds of anime, DnD, superhero merch. They gave me a fruit cake flavored mountain dewski, don't recommend it. During lunch we got a car wash and my comp forgot to roll his window up, he learned that lesson quick (on a real quick side note. I love Elder Peoples but I do not like the way he drives, bless his heart) afterwards we got Jimmie John's and I talked to these 2 college girls who both had Lulu lemon fanny packs (it's a new trend, I got one a few weeks ago, it's helped me start so many conversations already, I recommend Lulu lemon fanny packs) they weren't down for the Gospel, but they were down for a sandwich apparently. We went to a trailer park more commonly known as "the pit" here in town and helped our friend Scott, mostly we just talked deep doctrine with a lady named Melissa (her current husband is in jail and she's sketchy but we love her) she has strong political views on gay rights and abortion. Her cat kept biting my companions hair.

Random story, my companions best friend Krystal is roommates with my mission presidents sons fiancé. So when the mission presidents son got married last week our mission leaders left the mission to go to Utah and my companion and I got all the inside info from Krystal, it was weird hearing and seeing pictures from that side of President LeBaron. 

We had zone conference this week and those are always incredible spirit filled experiences. Sister LeBaron gave a wonderful talk on trusting the lord and how He provided miracles for her at the wedding celebration of her son. "If the Lord cares about a wedding open house, imagine how He feels about His work" direct quote from Sister LeBaron. That was powerful stuff, we had trainings from our APs and also Elder Lolohea (the funniest gangsta poly Elder from Oakland California) some of his quotes are as follows...

"Don't be a fill time missionary, be a fulfill time missionary "

"Satan never sleeps, but God's power isn't weak"

"Don't give up, look up"

During our trainings our mission president and a few select missionaries (Weber, Rees, Owens, Lloyd) were on a zoom call with Elder Stevenson of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles to talk about the new chapter 8 of Preach My Gospel. Spoiler, there is a PMG 2.0 in the works.

Our mission president then spoke to everyone about being converted and truly being changed by the doctrine of Christ. He is truly inspired. 

The rest of the week was a blur, here's what happened notably. 

- We did service for a homie who was moving apartments, his home was full of garbage bags covered in maggots and flies and the whole floor was a layer of cat hair. 
- I've had pizza 3 times this week, my stomach can't handle it anymore, send help. 
- On an exchange with Elder Barnes we painted the interior of a ladies home. He painted the trim while I caulked the joints. We bumped the new church youth music.
- We got an invitation from a Catholic buddy of ours who we met last week to come to Buffalo Wild Wings, we compared the doctrine of our religions and found a lot of common ground. The NBA finals were playing so we watched a little bit of that. Also a song by Khalid came on and I thoroughly enjoyed it (today at Walmart, "Perfect" by One Direction was playing, soooo good) we gave a Book of Mormon to our Catholic friend and he said he'd read it!
- My plant collection has increased, I now have a cactus that's about to bloom and a spider plant I received from a lady at an apartment. So cool!
- We taught 2 Hispanic families this week, one of them was using Google translate. Speaking a different language (although very very minimally) is quite fun. Thank goodness my previous companion taught me pequeño amounts of Spanish.
- Schizophrenia is real.
- I live in lgbtq+ nation. There are so many pride flags, and so many Trump flags on the flipside. I heard a statistic that Moscow is the most liberal place in Idaho, but also the second most conservative. It doesn't make sense, but also does at the same time. This place is crazy.
- We fasted for a girl named LuLu Smith who can't get baptized for complicated reasons so pray for her!
- We went to a ward barb- q that was kinda goofy.
- And lastly we received a fatty list of anti questions from one of our most progressing friends Maria, ouch, hopefully they come from a place of genuine curiosity.

The Lord loves you, read Ephesians 6:11


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