Moscow Idaho 5-29-2023

 Howdy folks! It's been a minute since I've shared an update with yall so here we go. I have been in the town of Moscow Idaho for about 2 weeks and have already been astounded at how incredible the Lord's work can really be. The area I came into has some awesome friends that we have been teaching. Chris is an inspiration, he is trying so hard to overcome the trial of smoking in his life and he has such an earnest desire to draw closer to Christ. Keep him in your prayers. We have also been teaching an atheist named Garrett who attends church and institute classes regularly, he's an interesting one.... The apartment I live in is a 2 man (it's been an adjustment getting used to having one singular roommate who is my companion) we reside in the basement of a dentist office and everytime we make toast or cook virtually anything with the oven all the fire alarms go off, ahhhh! If you are into true crime type shows or podcasts you may be aware of the quadruple homicide that occured here a few months ago. 4 students at the University of Idaho got killed in their sleep by another student who was ironically enough, taking a course in criminology. The community is still reeling from the incident and its been interesting to see. Here in Moscow there's a large cultish far right church who often times puts on a guise. The other elders in our district got invited to a dinner where after the meal was served, it became an all out bash! You really gotta be aware and smart out in these streets. I have gone on exchanges twice so far and both were enjoyable, I went into the YSA elders area with Elder Barnes and for lunch we got picked up by David who recklessly drove through town playing Kanye worship music. That day we were able to hop on a call with Justin Lawrence who was preparing himself for baptism at the time (he actually got baptized this most recent Saturday!) Justin is so prepared and I felt like he taught me more in that lesson. The other exchange I went across the border to Pullman Washington with the Wazzu (Washington State University) campus and YSA ward. We taught the Restoration to a landscaper while doing companion study outside. Later that day Elder Keller and I went tracting with an RM of a week who recently returned from Madagascar. Trios hold power, we got into the home of a very eccentric anime DnD loving computer student who is not a member but who had actually went on trek in his youth and gained a testimony of the Book of Mormon. That day we attended institute and had a lesson with Connor, he was found one week ago and has progressed so far already. I wish I were serving in a YSA ward full time, it's so full of miracles and fun! There was a day or two I was grumpy and frustrated because I wasn't able to find anyone on tech or out and about and it felt like I was letting the zone down. A few days ago in a fervent prayer I offered I asked God to put into our path individuals that are ready and prepared to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Later we were at the park adding people on Facebook and the Spirit told me to go talk to someone who was sitting a distance away on a park bench. I wasn't too sure but my companion gave me the nudge I needed. I approached the gentleman on the bench and started small talking about music, the weather, etc. We ended up talking for about 30 minutes and I was able to share the Plan of Salvation with him and he accepted an invitation to be baptized as well. Miracles do happen, one problem though....he's homeless. God bless yall!


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