John 20:21 - He is Risen 4-10-2023

 We survived the first week of the new transfer. I'm in the same area with my same companion Elder Tate. Not a whole lot of complaints, could use some new scenery though.....Our new district leader is interesting, I say that in a good way. His name is Elder Smith and he's a rough cut country stock kinda kid. I really enjoy him, he balances out the city boy to "country" boy ratio. This week has been fairly normal, we were able to confirm Mary Taylor on Easter Sunday and there were very powerful musical numbers and talks given. He is Risen. Taught a few 90+ year old women who would much rather compliment our handsomeness than hear a message about the restored church of Jesus Christ. Started a garden in my bathroom. Played football with some kids in a park. Had vodka pasta. That was about it for this week. Also my mother wanted me to include a poem I had written for Easter, here it is ⤵ 


As we commemorate this week so Holy
Let us turn to Christ who loves us so wholly 
On Palm Sunday praises are shouted to our King
Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem the voices sing
"Hosanna Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He"
Save us O Lord, for in our afflictions, in bondage are we
Jesus made His way to His Father's Holy House
At what He saw feelings of frustration began to arouse 
"A den of thieves" made them His Temple their unholy lair 
"It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer"
The Son of God came and flipped the tables, set the doves free
And he does the same for us, frees us from our "cage" tis iniquity
Everything our Savior does is for our benefit 
Eternally grateful are we for His teachings recorded in Holy Writ
"A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you"
"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself " reads commandment number two
"And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing ye shall receive" Christ taught
A lack of faith sets these things at naught
In another expression of His deep abiding love
He performed miracles, signs from Heaven above
He cursed a fig tree to be withered and dried away 
He restored sight to the blind so they could see the day
He healed the lame and raised Lazarus from the dead 
With the apostles he instituted the sacrament and broke bread
The events that followed were His most incredible 
He would take upon Himself the sins and pains of the world so terrible
Christ our Lord made His way to the garden of Gethsemane
He suffered, bled from every pore, in painful agony 
While His apostles struggled to stay awake
Jesus accomplished the Father's will for our sake
A "great multitude" came as Jesus stood fast and meek
Judas came and betrayed His master with a kiss on the cheek 
In a fit of anger Simon Peter smote off the captors ear
Christ in an act of humility healed the man with tender care
Bound hand and foot they carried Christ to trial unfairly
Many false witnesses bore account of Jesus's supposed blasphemy 
He stood before Pilate as chants of "crucify him" rang out
"I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it" the governor did shout
Our dear loving Savior was scourged whipped and humiliated
He who only spoke kindly was cursed, spit upon and berated
Forced to carry carry the burden of His condemnation alone
He suffered for our sins, He reaped what we had sown 
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son"
The price was paid, with Christ the battle was won
Nailed to the cross He forgave those whom persecuted Him
Had Peter His chief apostle promise to take care of His mother on a whim
In our Saviors most dire hour of need
He turned outwards and expressed humility indeed
Looking towards Heaven He accomplished the Fathers will
Our Savior gave up the ghost on Golgathas hill
His mother cried as they laid our Lord in a tomb
For three days a rock stook fastly in place in front of that room
What happened next was the greatest event in all humanity
Mary Magdalene came and found the sepulchre empty
Falling to the ground, in grief she wept
For she knew not yet that Christ became "the firstfruits of them that slept"
He was resurrected to fulfill His life's mission 
Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is Risen


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