Wild Times, (idek writing a email tagline is difficult) 1-16-2023

 This week was sooooooooo long that I took a lunch nap every single day. It was also a kinda boring week so I'll break down the important stuff into bullet points. 

•On prep day we went to the Buck Knife Store/HQ and bought knifes
•Played with the bull whip I bought
•Cooked some salmon 
•Rainy rainy week, slush everywhere 
•Doctrine and Covenants 68:6 goes crazy
•Talked to a feller named Rhogen who resembles your typical North Idahon (God Guns and Trump) 
•Bye bye Elder Gaertner, we both liked Spider Man 
•Food bank twice this week, gave me flashbacks to Safeway 
•Had a discussion in some deep deep doctrine with a Russ Lewis
•Thurgoods fed us some Papa Murphys pizza
•I experienced a two man apartment and it was eerily odd and quiet 
•Went and visited Nichole and got in between the Hal and Nichole beef again, it's a shame Hal is senile because he forgets everything including where he put his wife's wedding band 
•The Plumb family had some cute kids with a fire Lego collection 
•Got a buzz cut.
•Caught another mouse.
•Cleaned the apartment sooo well
•Weekly planned and I am hyped for this transfer 
•New elder has me shaking my head, he is a character 
•Visited with the Taylor's, a family who had previously lived in Show Low and we just caught each other up on all the happenings 
•Swung by a very very inactive members home who's never let the missionaries into his home, so I became his buddy in like 5 minutes and then pulled the bathroom card and got inside and had a neat discussion about the Bible and hunting and then I became the recipient of 2 packages of elk steak. Boom, score.
•District council, President Bastedo came through with some pizza. 
•Stake chapel renovations are getting close to being finished.
•Pretty crappy day (spent a few hours picking up wet sticky dog poop)
•Jeff and Brian weren't able to come to church and it broke my heart.
• Parker Estes is my new best friend, she's about 6 years old and we have a shared love of toys, stuffed animals, dance parties and "tea parties" she taught me how to make a wish on a star...." Starlight starlight, first star I see tonight, I wish I may I wish I might, make a wish on that star tonight " and then she proceeded to tell me her wish .... " I wish for a unicorn, a real life pet unicorn, one that can fly so I can see Jesus's room " best night ever.

Love yall so very much, stay sweet 


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