Where I Find God 1-9-2023

 One of my favorite songs of all time is "Where I Find God" I invite you to listen. This week has been so fulfilling, I have seen the "fruits of my labors" so clearly. I'm gonna be honest, being on a mission is difficult. I miss my boys, I miss the mountains and just being able to take a drive through the woods, I miss my family, I miss the normalcy of life. But I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the whole world. Let us talk about 3 categories of things I experienced this week; spiritual, weird, and some of my random thoughts. 

Lets get unto it.....

Spiritual: For the New Year I am gonna study the New Testament and so far I have come to grow and develop a relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in a more meaningful way. I encourage you to flip to a random page in the New Testament and start reading, you're gonna feel something I promise you. We had a neat discussion with a fella named Joe, I slipped a Book of Mormon into his couch cushions. Also this week we tracted into a man named Brian, he opened up as we started conversing and the Spirit prompted me to teach an impromptu Plan of Salvation lesson and he felt something, we went back and talked with him and his 3 children, we extended an invite to church and he came! This week we also had 2 powerful lessons with a dude named Jeff who also came to church, this was a week full of miracles. Members came in clutch by participating in lessons and talking to Brian and Jeff. It's hard to express in words the magnitude of how huge this was for our area. In church I bare my testimony, this week has been hard for members of my family and community back home in AZ. Mental health is real, be aware and just simply be a friend to all. Remember the old moniker..WhatWouldJesusDo?

Weird: I saw an Asian lady hack a snowman into pieces with a katana. There were 2 pothead ladies in a car and they were all like "hey its the mormon boys, hop in my car real quick, *takes selfie for Snapchat story* " we proceeded to teach them a lesson whilst they were doing weed. We caught a rabbit. I never want to start a lesson with the words "hey you're cute, can I get your Facebook, oh I have a kid" because thats what happened. We spent 1 hour picking up frozen dog turds. I helped some random dude load a fridge into his truck and he gave me fish filets. Cleaned some gutters with the sketchiest ladder I've ever used, and I bought a whole bull whip.

Random thoughts: As I sit at my desk typing this email I'm caught up with emotion, I miss the outdoors and so many members have flexed on me with their hunting fishing camping pics and I've been stuck in my neighborhood boundary and it's slowly killing me. The mountains are calling, and I must go. North Idahons are my people. Also yesterday I really started missing the mullet, I look goofy these days without my long hair. Lychee is a good fruit. I realize that I am wayyy to discombobulated and disorganized. My mind is a literal representation of my study desk, I have so many thoughts at once and I go to speak them all at once and my words come out fast as heck. These emails probably are just as wordy and confusing, but these are the thoughts of my hearts. I bought stamps today, send me your address if you want a letter!

♡ Gratitude Journal For Last Month ♡

dean rooks 
walmart 50% off holiday sale
eggnog cheesecake
cabelas country music
deer antlers
lotion and chapstick
moon ball
members treats
gas station polar bear
messenger app
popcorn at tire shop
jj watts career 
song "when i am baptized"
conservative hunting magazines
davis family 
the chosen
the Spirit
country music 


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