Allow me to preface the story of the heading by explaining that when we went to Cabelas 3 weeks ago I purchased a Grow-Your-Own Christmas Tree in a Can. Within 2 years you can have a 3 foot tree on your hands, a mission is 2 years long, I'm not sure what airport regulations are but I'm hoping a live tree can be accounted for as a carry-on. Anyhow part of the directions are to put the seeds once planted in the soil into the fridge for 20 days to mimic nature and help with the germination process. I set a calendar countdown on my phone and was looking forward to taking the tree out of the fridge to start growing honestly more than I was excited for Christmas itself. Well that day was yesterday and when I woke up I immediately went to the fridge where my tree was gone. I recognized that my comp must've tossed it when he cleaned the fridge a few days prior, I tried to reason with him and say I understand if it was accidental but next time check with me before you toss stuff that ain't yours. Like the story of Peter, he denied 3 times, that made me upset but its aight now. Here's the funny part, we had a member who needed our help removing his Christmas tree from his house so I tossed it in his dumpster. Both me and my comp have tossed trees in the trash this week, that's kinda funny. Also last night someone torched that tree and caught the whole dumpster on fire, it's safe to assume someone got lit on New Years.
Also the members here in Post Falls are so clutch, we met the coolest family, the Davis's. They are originally from AZ so we had that in common, and they are also avid outdoorsman. Their daughter had the coolest sweater that said Aspen, I wonder if they sell them somewhere around here...And they gave us meat! Bison burger, trout, and goose. So delicious, they made my week for sure. Other members that have stuck out to me include the Bastedos, they remind me of the McCaleb family back in Show Low if you know them, good times. The Brizees are another family whom I've come to love, they had us over on Christmas and New Years Eve and had the most elaborate spreads and charcuterie boards, my new favorite fruit is lychee. Also the stake president had the cutest kids, we participated in a Sing 2 dance-sing-along! Everyone is so friendly here, I love it!
We gave a blessing to a lil old lady named Helen who used to live in Show Low, but our deepest connection was over our love of giraffes (I've had my stuffed giraffe since I was 3) and we also got caught in a neighbor feud between a 93 year old man Hal who blames his neighbor for his missing watch, petty drama. Elder Gartner and I played pingpong for an hour straight talking about Star Wars and Marvel. Our car needed a tire change this week so I watched football and read conservative hunting magazines in the waiting room, that was a nice break from the norm. If you've read this far I love you.
Now onto a more spiritual note, this week the Spirit spoke to me in ways I never thought possible. Let me share a few experiences I had that really stuck with me. The first being an experience I had with my patriarchal blessing, we were at a member dinner that night and we had a neat discussion about revelation that was received by President Eyering regarding Northern Idaho being a refuge and a place of safety for saints in the latter days. I felt the spirit so strong as this information was relayed to me, when we got home I was about to go hit some reps on the pull up bar and my feet on their own accord walked me into the bedroom and I was on my knees in prayer before I knew it. I felt a prompting to read my patriarchal blessing and there's a specific line in there that reads to the extent of "there'll be a place of safety provided for myself and those I love" boom, that hit hard. Not sure what's up with that but maybe the Lord sent me to Northern Idaho for a a reason beyond my mission service. Also this week we had a neat discussion with an African lady from Kenya who was feeeeeling the Holy Spirit and she made it known, I loved my experience with Jesus Christ this week. He really is my Savior and Redeemer and I sure love him, and I know he loves you the same. Moroni 7:47 Keep being awesome, reach out and let me know how you're doing.

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