Oppa Stoppa 12-19-2022

 Chilling in the oven were mice

So I put him in the ice 

He shoulda thought twice
About eating my rice

Now he resides in a heavenly home
I said my "goodbyes" thats Post Malone

"There's no way I could save you..
..because I needed to be saved too"

So rip my little hairy mouse friend
If you stayed outta my food it wouldn't haven't been the end

(Mic drop  
I dropped the opp )

Now for realsies, Monday was pretty legit, we went to Cabelas aka Heaven on Earth. The only time I've been homesick so far on the mission was hearing "Any Day Now" by Ronnie Milsap, I miss my music so bad. Basketball pickelball football repeat, that's the preparation day strat. We then visited Philip in the trailer park, he told us a wild story about his neighbor Megan who got arrested that day for dealing fentanyl and had the police chase her down. That sucked because we were supposed to give her a lesson that night :/ also this day was so foggy I could hardly see 5 feet in front of myself. 

Tuesday had me tripping, all because of a fella named Ron, who prefers to be called TreeLeaf for reasons unbeknownst. He's a hippie who believes God is trees, specifically trees. Today was also my first zone leader exchange, we had Elder Parker accompany us. This was his previous area so we visited all his old buddies, one in particular being a teen named Jacoby. We talked football rap and hoops. Baby Keem, Slime, Juice, Polo G etc etc. Jacoby is my new homie, straight gangsta from the south side of town for real. Celestial 10 works so well. Also that night the zone leaders slept on the floor, it's already a small room so when I had to use the potty at 2 am I literally had to Spider-Man on the bed posts to escape the room. Wild day

Wednesday, we almost got fired from the food bank even though we don't work there, it's a volunteer opportunity. Lady in charge doesn't understand as missionaries we must always be with our comp, she got super mad when we were both restocking potatoes. Had a mission wide meeting on zoom, and learned about a huge service opportunity that's actually happening today. Disassembling and reassembling 350 beds for the homeless shelter, I'm excited to help anyway I can! Back to Wednesday, I must've had 5 cups of hot cocoa run right through me because I had to relieve myself very bad (anyone from stuco may remember the trip heading home from sunsplash where I about wet myself, ahhh good times) so we stopped at a gas station and they had the deal of a lifetime. Purchase 2 liters of Coca Cola product and get a free stuffed polar bear, I love stuffed animals so I of course purchased 2 liters of soda. Saw another mouse in the oven...stay tuned 

Thursday we woke up to the mouse getting popped by the trap we set, he escaped injured so I followed him to the bedroom and grabbed him with my orange gloves (gwr lore) put him in a bucket and fed him hashbrowns. New pet mouse. I helped prep for the ward party. I also found a trench coat in the apartment and wore it to Little Ceasars, I got a lot of weird looks from everyone who saw me. I wonder why? Since the apartment is kinda ghetto things are bound to break so using a set of generic pliers I fixed the leaky shower head and jimmy rigged the curtain to prevent that from getting water everywhere. I've become the local handyman/exterminator for the apartment it seems. 

On Friday we had district council which then we all scooted over to Pandas and I ate so much I got sick. Orange chicken was worth it, fortune cookie said I'll soon make a new acquaintance. Hopefully it's someone who would like to hear about the Gospel on another note, I love the members, but they gotta stop dropping pizza off. I've legit had pizza for 7 meals this week, a growing boy needs better nutrients. Hey mom, the new thermal set came just in time for the coldest week so far, and those clothes went crazy. 

Saturday was a really good day, we helped the Thurgood family install a new washer and dryer unit and they took us out to get food after. We later then taught a full lesson outside the apartment complex next to a dumpster where I caught a cold because I forgot my coat. Worth getting sick because she was down for the Gospel, that was a very neat encounter. We used a few service hours to clean the apartment and I reorganized my study desk and vacuumed the floor. That night was the ward party and they went allll out, the theme was Bethlehem and pictures don't do justice. It was such a spiritual atmosphere to see how the town looked and the local customs and culture about the time Jesus was born. 

Sunday...I learned a very powerful lesson. There was an older man helping with the sacrament and he was having a hard time reading the prayer and he started crying, it was really sad to see him struggling and probably feeling embarrassed up there. But the bishop walked over and consoled him. It reminds me that no matter how many times we'll mess up or do wrong in our lives the Lord will also be there to help us and console us of our worries. I love Jesus Christ and his sacrifice ♡

I love all of you, and since Christmas is coming up soon and I can't really give gifts...I'd like to extend an offer to all yall. Reply to this email and I'll write you a custom poem. Have a fabulous week!

Your fav Elder 


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