Christmas and the Homeless 12-26-2022

CHRISTMAS DAY Here's a Christmas poem I wrote to remind us all of the true meaning of the season..... As we all share in holiday delight Let us not forget that one special night Where the greatest gift was ever received Love and life everlasting if thou wilt believe In a stable born of Mary, in the humblest of settings Away in a manger, straw for his bedding The Christ Child in his mother's warm embrace Tears of joy streaming down sweet Joseph's face Shephards abide in the field with flock so near And thus an Angel in great glory did appear "Great tidings of great joy, peace on Earth and goodwill to men" For if ye follow the star you'll find the babe lying in a manger in Bethlehem They came glorifying and praising God Bowed before the Lord giving thanks with head nod And 3 wise men came on the morrow So full of love, Christ's light they borrow Bearing gifts of the finest degree frankincense, myrrh and gold Riches uncomparable to being held fast, sec...