Happy Thanksgiving 11-25-2022

November 25, 2022

    This morning I had the distinct privilege of participating in the choir and performing the song "Blessings" for Elder Quentin L Cook of the Quorum of the 70. The broadcast was live-streamed to every MTC and sent to most every missionary, the chorister said to not look at the camera/TV. I winked at the camera and I'm sure some random person in Asia saw me and sure as heck giggled. Song went beautifully and Elder Cook had wonderful remarks on gratitude and love for every aspect of your mission, bars. His wife had us perform a song of thankfulness, music is definitely a good way to feel the Spirit. The Thanksgiving meal was actually decent, turkey veggies rolls and such. Immediately after we went to another devotional, the theme being the humanitarian efforts of the Church and the importance of serving ye fellow man. Hit me up sometime. Then we had the neat opportunity to help prepare meals (approx. 144,220 of them) The local news station arrived and I'm pretty sure someone on TV is gonna see me boogie down and throw a peace sign on their television tonight. I had the opportunity to snap a flick with President Porter of the MTC, that's a man. After the service we watched a movie  after not having seen any media in a week or two this was a welcome opportunity, Ephraims Rescue is still just as powerful as last time I've seen it. Church history is so enjoyable, we have so much to learn from pioneers and the forefathers of our country in persevering and good works. Happy Thanksgiving! I met one of the Piano Guys, hes so chill irl. Cool man for sure. The Christmas lights finally came on tonight, so beautiful. Kinda trippy how the holidays are already upon us. 

Update: The day after Thanksgiving I felt sickkkk so I had to take a van downtown to an urgent care and I was there for 5 hours only to receive a negative flu/covid test, rip my whole day and my throat. I'm also grateful for the sisters who gave me a few Chic-Fil-a fries, MTC food is pretty mid and it was much appreciated.


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